Swimmer Health & Advice

In line with SwimMark it is important for swimmers to be able to access advice and information relating to all aspects of health and nutrition, and competition matters such as doping. On this page you will find this information and we hope to add to the content on an ongoing basis.

Long-term Athlete Development (LTAD)

This is a term that swimmers and parents will hear more of as they progress through the sport. In fact, LTAD is a general sporting term and developed in a specific way in relation to swimming. Swim England produce documents related to LTAD and relate this to a “Journey Through Swimming”. The following scans describe the process in detail. There is a lot of important information contained and it is advisable that coaches, swimmers and parents read it to understand this “journey”. As the booklet is large you will need to open all links in order to get the whole booklet:
Scan 1, Scan2, Scan 3, Scan 4, Scan 5, Scan 6, Scan 7 (short Guide – Click Here)

LTAD – Short Version
A short version of the LTAD document can be found by clicking here. This summarises the process of LTAD within swimming and contains very useful information. All swimmers and parents should read this to understand the “journey” through swimming, especially if the swimmer aims to achieve a high level within the sport.


Probably the most important everyday health issue for a swimmer is that of keeping hydrated. If a swimmer is hydrated then they will remain healthy and will compete to a higher standard. It will also help them to train at a higher standard, which will ultimately mean more, and faster, PB’s. Being dehydrated will bring the opposite effect and lead to an unhealthy swimmer. High levels of dehydration are also dangerous particularly to younger children. You will hear your coaches (and parents too hopefully) keep on at you about drinking plenty of appropriate fluids during training and competition. The club urges you all to be sensible and keep your drinks bottle with you at all times. The attached dehydration document will guide you (via use of a colour reference chart) to a sensible approach to hydration just by looking at the colour of your urine. Please print this off and refer to it regularly to ensure you are staying healthy. There is also a document that talks a little more about this testing and gives further advice.
Dehydration Chart
Dehydration Testing

Medical Documents & Information

There are a number of websites that have information on injuries relating to swimming and injuries (Google ‘swimming injuries’), if you have persistent pain please visit your GP.

Competition and Doping

Should you start to swim at a national level you need to be aware of issues relating to anti-doping and know what you can and can’t do. British Swimming holds information on this and you can access the useful UK Anti Doping site: