Tier 4

CFSC has had to close due to Nottinghamshire moving into Tier 4. We will let all our members know when we hear that we can go back. Stay fit, stay healthy and we’ll see you back at the pool as soon as we can. 30/12/20

Last Training Session before Christmas  Tuesday 22nd of December  First Training Session back in the New Year Monday 4th of January  & Happy New Year  

Nationwide Lockdown 5/11/20

Along with all other pools in England, Carlton Forum have had to close to manage the Covid-19 spike. We will return to swimming as soon as we are allowed to. Try and keep fit and healthy and we look forward to seeing you again very soon.

AGM 2020

Our AGM this year is on the 21st October at 8pm via Zoom. All members (or their nominated parent) will receive an email with the link to the meeting. If you don’t get one email Martin – secretary@cfsc.co.uk and we’ll post it on the closed Facebook page. Agenda, minutes of last AGM etc. at AGM … Read more

Presentation Night

Fri 13th Sept. Richard Herod Centre, Foxhall Road. £4 entry but all Champs swimmers and under 5s are free. Trophies/medals for all Champs swimmers plus loads of other trophies for age group winners, achievement etc. Bar, disco and some games for the kids. Doors open at 7.