Nottingham – Fast Lane Public Sessions for Club Swimmers

I know some of you are already aware of this but, just in case this info may help our over 18s stay in racing form!…..

Dear Carlton Forum Swimming Club,

We wrote to you recently to advise you on the latest guidance provided by relevant governing bodies of sport under tier 3 restrictions and confirmed which club sessions can take place.

As Adult club sessions are unable to take place we wanted to let you know that we are offering an extensive Public Swimming Programme across our 7 wet sites which may provide the ideal opportunity for your club members to get their swimming fix. 

We kindly ask that you share this email with your club members to let them know about the swimming opportunities we have on offer at this time.

While we remain in tier 3, we are offering 4 different types of session, including our latest new Fast Lane Swim programme aimed at club swimmers, they are:

·         Fast Lane Swim: This public session is suited to Adult and Juniors 14+ who are club level and performance swimmers.

·         Lane Swim: A swim for those aged 14+ to swim lengths- Fast, medium and slow speed lanes will be available.

·         Swim for Relaxation: A swim sessions for adults aged 17+ to swim at a relaxed pace. There will be a designated Lane (s).

·         Family Zone Swim: A fun swimming session in your own designated area of the pool Tier 3 applies and can only be attended by same Household / Bubble maximum of 6 people. Visit for ratios / information.

To access any of these public swimming sessions you will need to register for a FREE Active Nottingham account here

All public sessions require pre-booking in advance.  To do this we recommend you download the App here, or pre book on our website or call the Customer Service Team on 0115 876 1600.

If you’re planning to swim more than twice a week we would recommend one of our membership options.  Prices start from £19.99 a month for our Swim & Health Suite Membership, you can join here and find more information.  Alternatively, Lane and Relaxation swims cost £5.00 or £2.50 for Concessions per person, Family Swim Zone is £13 or £9 for Fitness or Nottingham Swim School members. 

Take a look at our safety guidelines here for public swimming

We will be in touch again once we receive any further updates, but hope in the meantime you can enjoy access to our Junior club sessions and our public programme.

We can’t wait to see you again!

Stay safe. Be Active.  
Active Nottingham